Tuesday, June 21, 2011

The Plan

At church we have the most awesome new convert – an 18 or 19-year old boy. Whit and I sat in on his Sunday School class because his teachers were late. I had taught the Mia Maids the Plan of Salvation in the class before, so it was fresh on my mind. (Here it is:)

And so while we waited for his teachers we had him draw the plan of Salvation on the chalkboard. Here his is:

(it goes from left to right and then right to left on the second row)

I love that it's Pac-Man ghosts. The Pac-Man ghost starts out in the pre-mortal existence, symbolizing our spirits in the spirit world, then going through the veil to Earth, then dying and being buried, then entering the Spirit Prison or spirit Paradise (see the palm tree?), then the Pac-Man ghost is on top of the grave (pulling out his body), then it stands before the judge at Judgement (complete with gavel), and then he goes to one of three kingdoms: happy-face Celestial, semi-happy-face Terrestrial, or moderately-somber-face Telestial. Outer Darkness is scowling. If you can’t tell, the end Pac-Man ghost has arms, which means he’s a resurrected being, of course, and is being multiplied by 50 billion (because that's how many people will make it to the Celestial Kingdom...which is false doctrine, but it didn't get erased before the picture).

I love this kid.

1 comment:

  1. Always more interesting with a little false doctrine sprinkled in ;)
