Friday, June 3, 2011

Last Day of School

I had my last day of school on Wednesday and my beautiful class gave me a bouquet of daisies! They were squished because I kept squeezing them so tightly - I cried. What awesome kids!


  1. Hi Meg,
    I saw you last week by the lhs seminary building and my goofy fan girl phrase was, "I know you. You're awesome! I get your monthly message."
    Anyway, I appreciate your example and cheer. You've had a lovely affect on my life. Thank you.
    I'm glad I found your blog. I love to connect with people through their blogs. :)

  2. Meg, you inspire me!
    I walked up to you at Women's Conference in April right before you were to get on the elevator, and (in a very awkward way) told you how much you inspired me.
    I apologize for the awkwardness.
    I am constantly inspired by your attitude toward life and hard things, that I just had to say SOMETHING to you.
    Thank you, from the bottom of my heart, for being YOU!
