Thursday, June 23, 2011


And I’m off! I’ve got a brand new bike – thanks Challenged Athletes Foundation (and Whit…). We rode around a nearby lake, which, according to Google, is approximately a mile. So I’ve gone 1 mile on my new bike! Way better than the three house lengths for my first try…

We were quite the pair. Me on my tricycle and Whit on his unicycle – I guess that together we made up enough wheels for two bikes…


  1. Awesome! You look great.

  2. Holy cow I love you! I love to ride my bike so I can imagine the freedom that it gives you. You two are a darling unique couple. I am sure everyone was jealous!

  3. Thanks, Talya! I want to get good so I can do the Lotoja ride with you.
    Maybe Whit will come on his unicycle...

  4. I love this! It makes me want to get a bike so we can go riding together :-)

  5. This is amazing. My husband loves bikes like this - he calls them a recumbent. I showed him this post and he thought it was great.

    By the way, on my blog I do a monthly post highlighting creative people. I'd like to hightlight you August 18 if you're up for it. You can let me know via my email which is michelleteacress at gmail dot com or visit my blog which is michelleteacress dot blogspot dot com. If you're not comfy with it, I'll understand.

    Have a great week. :)

  6. thanks, Michelle! I'd love to be highlighted on your blog - I've been reading through it and it's awesome. :)Meg
