Thursday, June 30, 2011

Owls and Cows

The last time I kissed my husband I was in Paradise!

No, really, we were in Paradise, UT on our way to Cinnamon Creek Campground (it sounds delicious, I know). It was WAY further than I expected and the roads were unpaved and narrow, so I ended up being 30 minutes late (which is the latest I've ever been to a speech...ever). Good thing YW are so forgiving :)

I had fun with their theme: One With the Lord (or O.W.L.). They gave me this super cute handmade pillow:

We drove though the tiny town of Paradise and saw the most e-la-bor-ate castle/barn ever. Turrets and all - for the horses, we assume. A Kingly breed of sorts for sure.

After Paradise we entered Avon and saw a little sign that said: City of Avon, Home of 306 Friendly People.

And wouldn't you know, the first person we saw in Avon waved to us!

I caught onto the Avon spirit right away and waved enthusiastically to the next person we saw, but he looked sideways at me and scowled. He must be the 307th person. Definitely not numbered among the "friendly."

...Whit wondered if there's anyone who sells Mary Kay in Avon...

There were lots of great things about those little towns - like the tiny baseball diamond with the little league team, and the old fashioned house covered in tiny American flags, and the main street that's obviously being prepared for the big parade this weekend - there were a bunch of roped off sections and chairs from people staking their parade-watching least four days early, since we saw them on Wednesday and the earliest we'd assume that they'd have the parade is Saturday.

I want to live there.

We had to stop several times on our drive for cows...

Good thing the people of Avon put up handmade signs warning you for the reason of your expected delays...

It says: Cattle Grazing Area.

Whit and I had lots of time to practice our Mooooooing...hoping we weren't communicating anything like, "hey, cow! Come and hit our car!"

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