Monday, March 26, 2012


My husband, Whit, is a huge finance analyst. Every penny has a "name" and I always must have receipts for everything.

I've been pretty good about staying within budget and diving out receipts so you can imagine my surprise when we got two different transactions from Walmart come through on our credit card!

I don't even like shopping at Walmart! I had the receipt for one of the purchases, but not the other! Surely I didn't have it - I am so glld with receipts (not budgeting, but I can sure pack the receipts into my purse!). I just KNEW that ghetto Walmart had stolen my card number and used it for something!

I called our bank and went through the waiting...and the waiting...and the explaining...only to have them tell me I have to first take it up with Walmart.

so I called Walmart ad went through the waiting...and the waiting...and the getting-hung-up-on...and then more waiting...only to hear a curt clerk tell me the offices were closed and they'd get back to me.

...then more waiting...

When they call me back with the explanation of the unexplained purchase, I went from angry to totally and completely embarrassed.

"Yes, ma'am, we have you on video in the electronics department purchasing a cell phone."

The next five full minutes were spent profusely apologizing to the Walmart clerk, who really couldn't have cared less and was mildly amused that I'd forgotten I'd made the purchase.

As a side note, buying the phone was the sole reason for even being at Walmart in the first place.

I wonder if I could steal those videos...

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