Wednesday, May 20, 2009


For the second time in as many months, someone has asked me if another ADULT was my offspring. This was pretty funny the first time - Ha Ha, the lady probably didn't even look at me - but the second time the person who asked me is a lady I see on a weekly basis! I met this kid (well, if 20 is a kid) when he helped me take groceries to my car from the store. He is new to Utah and wanted something to do so I invited him to volunteer at the hospital the next day. He met me there and a nurse (who I KNOW) asked me if this 20-year-old kid was my son.

Did I mention he is 20?

This is only kind of funny the second time. Do I look maternal? Whit says that instead of waiting, I should just introduce whoever I'm with as my child, that way they will say something like "oh honey, you look way too young to have a child that old," and I can start piecing together my shattered confidence through their compliments. Yes. I think I will. I will now refer to Whit as my son. Go ahead, tell me no one will believe me - that's exactly what I want to hear.

1 comment:

  1. This made me chuckle! What is wrong with people? Maybe she is a little blind? Don't worry Whit looks way older than you--it is the curse of Fowler skin:)
